Getting Started
Just starting to plan for a web site? Here's some information that might help you in this sometimes complicated process:
Questions to Consider

- What is to be the purpose of your web site?
i.e. Branding, Marketing, Prospecting, Sales, Distribution of Information, etc.
- Who is your target audience?
You may want to specify age, eduction, income, interests, etc.
- What will your target audience want to find or do on your web site?
- What is the most important information or item that you want on your web site?
- Why do you want to create a web site now? Is this the best time?
- Is there a specific look and feel you want the site to have?
If so, you need to specify what you want, including color scheme, navigation type, examples of similar sites, etc.
- Do you have specific ideas of how you want the site to be organized?
- Do you already have a domain name and web hosting service, or do you need that setup, too?
- What kind of traditional marketing will you use to encourage people to visit your web site?
You should definately have your web address on business cards, letterhead, ads, promotional material, and press releases.
- If you already have a website, how do you rank for your keywords (targeted search terms) on the major search engines? You may benefit greatly from Search Engine Optimization, which can help drive qualified traffic to your website!
Before you jump into making your great plans, you might want to read some helpful articles >> that might better equip you from the start to avoid costly mistakes and problems.